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Joann, this is life-changing news I'm sharing with you today. But first, I must confide something to you: This message is not coming directly from me. The truth is, it's coming from a force much greater and larger than you can even imagine... Marla, Mother Angel, has all the details. This is want we'll tell you now: An unprecedented event is about to occur. Before contacting you, I made sure to compare your charts with the magnitude of facts Marla supplied for me. There's no denying it: If you act within the next 7 hours, there will be a complete reversal of your situation, including financial affairs. You must be prepared for it. Marla and I have accounted for this. We know what you need. In fact, we've even taken the time to prepare something very special, just for you, Joann. Please, don't lead us to believe we've wasted our time in having faith in you... Your psychic advisor, Bethea |
wanting and having! |
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