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Scopus Newsletter: September 2017

In this issue, make sure you have the latest facts and tips about Scopus to help you in the new academic year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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Scopus Newsletter: September 2017

In this issue, make sure you have the latest facts and tips about Scopus to help you in the new academic year.

Scopus Content: High quality, historical depth and expert curation

"Scopus provides a more comprehensive and wider range of scholarly information, enabling me to get a broader insight into the area I am researching"

― Graduate student, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom (Source: May 2017 survey of Scopus users by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service)

How does Scopus deliver a broader and more accurate view of global research across all fields? To know the facts about Scopus content, join our next webinar and browse through our content information page.

Register for the September 28th webinar


Read more about Scopus content


Facts about Scopus Content:

  1. Content comes from over 5,000 publishers, with only 10% of the content indexed from Elsevier publications
  2. The oldest record dates back to 1788, with references included on records dating back to 1970
  3. Titles are rigorously reviewed and selected by an independent board of subject matter experts, to include 52% of the world's peer-reviewed scholarly literature

Scopus Metrics: Explore the newest additions

In July 2017, PlumX Metrics were integrated on Scopus, providing measurable ways to understand how a piece of research is being used, interacted with, shared, promoted and cited. To learn more details about PlumX Metrics and how to use them on Scopus, watch our recorded webinar featuring Andrea Michalek, Vice President of Product Management for Research Metrics at Elsevier and co-founder of Plum Analytics.

Watch the PlumX Metrics Webinar

See an example of PlumX Metrics on Scopus
DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2015.11.010

CiteScore Tracker helps you keep current with how a title's CiteScore is building each month. Along with the June release of CiteScore 2016 annual values, CiteScore Tracker 2017 was also initiated and has been steadily building monthly. When looking at titles to read, follow or publish in, CiteScore Tracker offers a timely look into how a title's impact is tracking.

> View CiteScore Tracker 2017 for a title on Scopus


> Read the CiteScore Tracker Tip & Trick


Help is always available

When you need assistance with Scopus, you want help right away and a fast resolution to your query. So that you get the best service possible from us whenever you need it, we are focusing our customer support options on live chat, telephone and written queries through a web form.

This means that as of September 5, 2017, customer support will no longer be available through the following regional email addresses: usinfo(at)elsevier.com, nlinfo(at)elsevier.com, sginfo(at)elsevier.com or jpinfo(at)elsevier.com.

The advantage of a live chat or telephone conversation, or a structured web form, is that we can get all the required information up front from you.


You are receiving this newsletter because you are a Scopus registered user. It contains important information aimed to help enhance your Scopus experience. To continue receiving this monthly newsletter and stay up-to-date with Scopus, please make sure you register.

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