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10 websites to watch your favorite TV shows

Best resources handpicked by people like you
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Watch TV Shows

The best websites to watch TV Shows

If you think Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu are your only options for watching TV shows online you're wrong.

There are plenty of other good options available out there, and the Softonic Solutions users have listed the 9 websites that they think are best for watching TV shows.

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Solution of the Week
Internet Archive

Internet Archive (website)

Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, games, music, websites, and more.

This solution is ranked:

#1 in Resources for downloading movies legally and for free

#1 in Websites for downloading free Kindle books

#2 in Resources for discovering new movies

#9 in Websites to play retro video games online

Recommeded by 533 contributors

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