Help states and communities reduce the impact of devastating storms | View online | |
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| | Dear JoAnn, Devastation caused by this year’s hurricane season has revealed that many communities are ill-prepared for flooding. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 80,000 Texas homes were flooded with 18 inches of water or more after Hurricane Harvey. Next, Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Florida, and other states, taking out power to millions and leaving more than 20 people dead. Hurricane Maria then destroyed homes and essential infrastructure across Puerto Rico. Business analysts are projecting that the damage and economic costs of these three disasters probably will exceed $250 billion. Costs will be borne by individuals, states, and the federal government. Communities across the country can learn from recent events by getting ready for the next storm. Repairing and rebuilding after a natural disaster costs far more than preparing beforehand. In fact, every $1 spent on disaster mitigation saves $4 in overall benefits, including reduced federal aid and lowered flood damage costs. Yet the federal government dedicates only a fraction of its disaster spending toward the types of activities that have proved to reduce the impacts of flooding before disasters strike. Fortunately, a bipartisan proposal in Congress would help states to provide financial assistance to homeowners, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and communities for pre-disaster mitigation such as elevating structures and buying out properties in high-risk areas. This federal-state partnership would allow states to fund more resilience projects while giving them the flexibility to determine and address their highest-priority needs. We need your help in telling Congress to support the State Flood Mitigation Revolving Fund Act (S. 1507)—introduced by Senators Jack Reed (D-RI), John Kennedy (R-LA), and Bob Menendez (D-NJ)—to help save lives and taxpayer dollars during hurricane season. Please join us in support of this important bill by urging your member of Congress to pass the bill into law. Best, | Laura Lightbody Project Director The Pew Charitable Trusts | | | |
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