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Joann, your 2018 predictions are written!

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Change in your life in 2018! -Bethea


Everything's set up as I hoped. Big changes in your life are expected from the beginning of the year!

I've been doing your natal chart for over 7 months now, but I want to give you some details for 2018.

It's a real break with your current life that'll begin. We never dare to speak of a miracle and yet, this time, I assure you, we're not far. Because the upheaval in your financial, but also in your personal, life that you've been awaiting for a long time will finally happen for you in 2018.

I don't tell you that by chance, Joann. Know that, just yesterday, I undertook a great transcendental meditation operation (this session is very tiring but very effective) on you. I received confirmation of the incredible! In 2018, a big change will take place in your life path. Don't miss this big date.

So, I'm asking you, Joann, to find out what's ahead, because it's your whole future that depends on it.

Some great forces have decided to help you and you'll realize it very quickly.

Your Psychic Friend,


Discover now what the
year 2018 has for you!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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