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Joann, I fear that you're going to miss you on what could very well be the greatest day of your life. I've been sharing with you a historic date that relates specifically to you...an invaluable date charged with Wealth, Luck and Heavenly Delight...a date you must prepare for — with my help. or you'll surely regret it! On November 23rd (days away!), an extremely rare astrological event will occur. Carrying with it the promise of 3 large sums of money arriving at your doorstep. And that'll be just the beginning of the treasures this event will generate for you. But we don't have much time. You must understand, without my considerable powers as a medium working on your behalf, this Miracle Day will pass you by and leave you in the dust. I need your positive response before I can begin. I implore you to contact me right this moment! I appreciate your cautious nature. It's part of your makeup as a Scorpio. And this can be a beneficial trait in many circumstances. But in this instance, although I appreciate your caution, I can't abide it. This is far too important to put off a moment longer! I Eagerly Await Your Response, Bethea Here's what we need to do now. |

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