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Joann, I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable by reaching out to you like this. I know it's a little strange to sign up to a mailing list, then have the person who runs it actually reach out to you personally. Well, today's a day where that happens! Lucky you, right? I'm taking this unorthodox move because I had a dream about you last night. Here's a sneak preview: your life isn't going to be the same anymore. But in a good way! In fact, in a tremendous way. I'm so happy that I can bring this news to you. And I hope it makes you happy, too. It has to do with the upcoming Solar Eclipse on January 5th. It perfectly aligns with your 11/17/1946 astral chart; incredible solar energy will be focused on you on this day. Not like an actual sun ray (because that'd be pretty unhealthy for you). No, it's spiritual energy. And this energy can be harnessed in a ritual and imbued in an artifact...designed exclusively for you. All of this magical radiance will shine from a beautiful piece of amber, known to be the ideal container for spiritual energy. While wearing it, you'll act as a magnet for money, love, confidence and attention (and I'm sure you'll get plenty of it while wearing it!). That's why I'm writing to you. I want your permission to perform this ritual for you, and give you this powerful piece of jewelry that captures the special personal energy of this eclipse. This jewelry won't get more Joann than pretty much anything else you can buy! Please let me know immediately if you're interested. It'll take a few days to prepare for the ritual, and I have many other clients I'm working with. Your eclipse day is on Saturday the 5th, so time's short, and fast action essential. Once again, I need to hear from you today so I can prepare the ritual and create your powerful, personalized artifact in time for the eclipse. I'm so excited to finally be working with you, Joann! Your Committed Friend and Guide, Bethea |

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