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Hurry, Joann, your luck will run out if you let this slip!

Here's where your dreams can finally come true.

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I Hold Your Key to Protection and Prosperity. -Bethea

Joann, as you read this, perilous energy is confronting your aura — and your fate is at a critical juncture. The Archangel of Abundance has been making great effort to contact you through me — and I'm growing ever more concerned that I haven't heard back from you.

You must act now! I can't stress this enough. Failure to respond could have a devastating impact on your well-being.

Here's the good news. I hold in my hand a powerful and proven way to protect you from the forces of negativity. And not only that, once you accept my help, you'll experience an immediate positive upshot in your personal, professional, spiritual and (Most importantly!) financial well-being.

Your choice couldn't be clearer!

You can request that I act on your behalf and finally enjoy the life of comfort and success that you've been waiting for...

Or you could choose to do nothing — and run the risk of remaining in your stagnant situation for all your remaining years. This latter choice seems inconceivable to me. Why would you refuse the happiness you've strived for all your life?

Respond to me now and secure the promising future of your dreams.

Faithfully Yours,


Your rich destiny is now within reach.
And it starts HERE.

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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