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Joann, I'm finding it terribly difficult to understand why I haven't heard from you. Something wonderful is about to occur in your life! And I can now guide you to what I now see as Divine Providence. And what's really about to happen? You'll find the answers to all these questions in your personal message, along with concrete evidence of a magnificent financial opportunity awaiting you — resulting in a veritable windfall of riches that will be followed by many others... We mustn't waste another moment. Discover what your message says and embrace the luck and divine blessing that's poised to visit your door. Believe me...the very few people who found themselves in a similar situation didn't hesitate for a second when I offered them the heavenly Horn of Plenty. And, as we speak, they're now enjoying success and happiness. It's truly amazing! Do you realize the amazing opportunity you have? Honestly, people would do anything to be in your shoes. It's your last chance to act. So be quick and reply to me without delay. Your Spiritual Confidant, Bethea |

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