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Do you really want to get out of your slump, Joann? I'm beginning to doubt it...

This day is too important!

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This day is too important! -Bethea


Wouldn't you like to turn your dark existence into a bright future? You're so close to the goal, Joann, but you only have one small thing to do to access the wealth you've always dreamed of!

It's with a sense of urgency that I'm writing to you today. I studied your astral sky and quickly realized that your destiny had taken a different turn. What happened, Joann?

Why do you wait to answer me?

There's a logic behind all this: You have problems, I have special gifts and I offer you the ideal solution...but it's you who broke this logical sequence by not accepting my offer. You have nothing to lose, however, because I'm offering you wealth and happiness on a silver platter.

Is it the fear of the unknown that stops you, Joann? Yet we've known each other for over 2 years now. You should know that your happiness is important to me. It's you I chose to help because I know you deserve it and have suffered enough until now.

I'm reiterating my offer of support, Joann, but there's a deadline related to all this that we can't exceed. The date of August 8th is approaching very quickly. It's crucial for you, Joann: It represents the metamorphosis of your life that you've been awaiting for so long and that'll allow you to live in Luxury, Happiness and Money.

Isn't it wonderful? What do you have to lose? The key to all your problems lies in my offer today!

But you must put your hesitations aside, Joann. It's widely known that success depends on the calculated risks that we're ready to take.

Follow my advice and, in less than a week, you'll leave behind the doldrums you get bogged down in more and more deeply. I'm looking forward to hearing from you very soon!

Your Faithful Friend,


I reveal here the solution to put an end to all your worries!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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