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Wealth, Hope and Happiness. Joann, last night I abruptly awoke with an uneasy premonition about your future. I've been worried the past few days because I haven't heard back from you regarding the several visions I had for you. Wonderful surprises are coming your way, including the influx of a large sum of money from an unexpected source. In my opinion, there'll be more than enough to shelter you from worries for the rest of your life. But we must first expel the dark forces that are keeping you from your rightful rewards. How? In what way? You must certainly have many questions. You'll find all the answers you need in this private message. I didn't want to put it in an email, it's too personal. Please read it at once. Let's not waste any more time, Joann. Grab hold of this rare chance to emerge victorious. With Everlasting Faith, Bethea realize your rich potential. |

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