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Joann, it's true! It's only because of November 17th that you're receiving this.

Gifts you weren't expecting are the very best kind!

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My Friend Joann,

Not in a long time have I been confronted with such blatant good fortune! That's right. And it's not MY good fortune I'm talking about! At first all I knew was that the recipient was born on November 17th...

But today, I'm finally able to put a name to the birthday that's been haunting me... it's yours, Joann!

Of all my clients, I know that
November 17th is the least common!

I keep an ongoing account of all my special clientele's birthdays; and despite the large number of patrons that I offer my services and abilities to, there are not many who share the same birthday as you. That's how I knew this must be in your hands, and your hands alone.

Truth be told, your birthday is so rare that that I even had to do the numbers! Regular individuals have about a .30 percent chance of sharing a birthday with a stranger. Your odds are much higher! It can't be any clearer to me that this is for you!

This is the "prayer"
we never knew you needed.

Instead of throwing logistics at you, I want to appeal to your spiritual side — truth be told this is where are you are struggling most. Don't feel it? It's probably because you've become so accustomed to it! That feeling of "settling," never having enough, always struggling to make ends meet. Sound familiar? That's because this has become your day-to-day. This is your new normal. And it doesn't have to be!

You weren't meant for that struggle, Joann. Not with the birth destiny you were given 72 years ago.

Live up to you birth potential. Claim your birthright today! Trust me, it's most certainly not too late.

Your Honorable Adviser,


And all these years you thought
it was just another day!
Here is why it is so rare...

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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