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Joann, as I sit at my keyboard this morning, I can hardly type fast enough, because I know the message I'm about to convey to you can turn your life around. And I couldn't be more thrilled for you! critical to your success! Last night, my friend Marla Angel called and told me to review your natal chart. After she hung up, I opened your chart and closed my eyes briefly: What flashed before me was a whole extraordinary train of thought, as magical and mystical as any I've ever experienced. It began with a huge gleaming castle gate, heavy with steel spikes. A figure in long, flowing golden robes stood inside the gate, shrouded in mist. Was this person you? All of a sudden a great light flashed — Like the brightest, whitest lightning! — and the gate opened. The shrouded figure then pulled from the pocket of their regal robes 3 dice. The dice were gold and seemed to glow from within. They were thrown on the floor and, as soon as the three numbers came up...1-2-3, and giant shafts of sunlight lit up the room threefold. 123 is an angel number urging you to be faithful to your purpose. Suddenly, the room was flooded with the most glorious golden sunshine and everywhere I looked, exquisite flowers and trees were blooming. I knew that the dice had magically transformed that dark little cavern. What if I told you a brighter future awaits you...that you could be moving into another house, the place you've always wanted to live, driving the car you've always wanted to drive? What if I told you that you could be inside Tiffany's, buying a diamond bracelet to wear at a very special black-tie affair? Does this sound like the life you want to live? Well, what I'm saying, Joann, is that it can be. And it all goes back to those mystically enhanced dice and the numbers they presented. Joann, let's get together! Your Confidant and Friend, Bethea |

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