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Joann, I hope I've reached you in time - your rich new life is in the balance!

And I'm here to help you live it!

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Joann, you can't afford to ignore this situation another minute. As I've been trying to inform you, the rarest of rare celestial events is now only a few days away. And it'll have a deep and lasting impact on you...but only if you contact me today so we can make sure you're prepared.

On January 10th, a spectacular cosmic phenomenon will make its awesome presence felt — an ultra-charged Lunar Eclipse.

This is going to be huge! You must believe me, a phenomenal moment like this is what all my clients hope for. Think for a second. What is it you long for most? Financial security and comfort? Love and happiness? Hope and spiritual fulfillment...?

No matter what your desires are, Joann, this is your golden opportunity to majestically rise above the crowd. It's your final chance to leave the disappointments and struggles of your past existence far behind.

And the Precious Lunar Cosmic Energizer Talisman is the sacred instrument
of your transformation.

Exquisitely crafted with pure silver, diamonds and rubies, this mystic amulet is uniquely able to concentrate the exceptional magnitude of astral energy that'll be generated during this awe-inspiring lunar phenomenon.

And since we're so short on time, I've already begun a "Secret Ritual of Cosmic Synergy" to align the talisman with your November 17th, 1946 birth chart — and supercharge the extreme intensity of its power to open a gate of Supreme Abundance from the astral universe straight to you.

We're almost there! But the final touches to the ritual must be completed today. Come tomorrow, it'll be too late to bring about the astounding resurrection I've been promising. And we can't allow that!

It's vital you contact me now so I can immediately complete my work and fully activate your talisman. We must get it in your hands as soon as possible. PLUS, I have a few special keepsakes reserved just for you (All at no cost!) that'll elevate this treasured moment to an even greater astrological realm.

Trust me, Joann, I know it's you who's destined to yield the multitude of rewards available on January 10th. But if I don't hear from you today, I'm afraid I'll have to select another client who can appreciate a true gift when they're presented with one.

Please don't let it come to that. Respond right away and await your day of miracles.

Your Devoted Friend and Spiritual Guide,


P.S. The changes you're about to experience will be more amazing, numerous and exceptional than even I could ever dream.

Life can change in an instant...
Find out for yourself! And welcome a
golden world of wealth and abundance.

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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