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A chance for a new, richer life will be presented to you on April 27th, Joann. What's your answer? Regardless of what's happening in your life at the moment, you should know that a new beginning is in sight... For the last few months, you've been stressed and inconvenienced by your declining money situation. I've been specifically instructed to deliver to you a noble truth from the Great Cosmic Universal Forces... They've foretold your definitive grand victory! Even though you've constantly given your best, you've suffered due to the persistent bad luck. The Supreme Powers of your Celestial Rose Cross will filter out the negative outcomes and compensate you with a marvelous miracle gain! You'll see your problems start to disappear, one after the other permanently, moving forward. Emerge from the doubt and disbelief that's dragging you down, Joann! I'm insistent, because this is critical for you (due to certain time-sensitive transits on your birth chart). Waiting any further will prevent you from manifesting your true destiny... Aren't you concerned? Your silence after my previous messages has me worried! I don't want you to miss out, because I know what extra resources and protection could do for you in your present situation. Send in your request while you still can and watch your reality transform before your eyes! Eagerly Awaiting Your Reply, Bethea this is confidential. |

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