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I see your future ripe on the vine, Joann. Seize it!

A universal phase of pure luck is ripe for the picking!

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Joann, I love my garden. Often, when I'm walking through it, I imagine that my garden represents your life. The facets of your Scorpio nature grow all around me... Your powerful patience is the fertile soil. Your passion is the nourishing sunlight. Your love and generosity are the vital rains. Your ambitions and dreams, these are the seeds you plant.

These seeds produce glorious
fruit, Joann! And yours is ready.

That's the good news, but we can't celebrate just yet! Somewhere along the line, in the 74 years of your life (Perhaps you'll recall a moment where it seems like things changed?) your Lunar Energy was shifted out of alignment. Ever since then, your life's taken on a "wandering" quality while you search for your way back to the "Path."

I want to realign your Lunar Energy, Joann, and I want to do it before the ripest luck appears for you to harvest. During the Summer Solstice, the ambitions and dreams you've "planted" will bear their fruit. If you're still "wandering" when that happens, there's a chance you'll leave a cherished chance rotting on the vine, and by the time you find your way back to the "path," it'll be too late.

Your Devoted Spiritual Adviser and Chosen Friend,


Here's How I'm Offering to Help

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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