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Joann, do you even know what day it is?

For starters, it's the day you bring home the GOLD.

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Joann, are you beginning to feel like the days are running together? Don't worry, you're not the only one! There are many of us out here who are out of our routines, feeling uncertain and, maybe worst of all, feeling useless and counterproductive...

While in this moment it may feel like
there isn't much going on, you'll soon
learn this feeling won't last forever!

It may feel like there isn't much to aspire to these days — but let me share my intuition with you: This won't last forever! That's why it's crucial now, more than ever, to find out what exactly the future holds... But it must be done today. By April 14th, the outlook could look very different.

First and foremost, please be aware of this: My intentions aren't to frighten you. Only prepare you, Joann!

I'd like to offer you a gift today — I'd like to teach you a new skill! It's the Art of Cartomancy! Unsure of what exactly that is? Don't worry, I anticipated that. (I've gone into greater detail here!) I have a feeling this talent's going to be quite handy to possess, over the course of the next few weeks...

The Cards have spoken...

Most card drawings only reveal the future. While this works well with preparing for what's to come — what to avoid and what to anticipate — it doesn't help much when it comes to learning from your mistakes and ensuring you don't repeat them.

A cartomancy reading always begins with three cards. One to acknowledge your past, one to remind you of your present and one to aspire to (and prepare you for) your future.

And right now, the future can seem like a scary prospect! It's going to be imperative that you know what to prepare for; but it's going to be ESSENTIAL that you remind yourself of what happened before — and what you're going through right in this moment...

Why not get all the aid and assistance you can, NOW, before the opportunity no longer presents itself to you?

Patiently waiting...

Your Adviser,


I know once you see for yourself,
you won't be able to resist!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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