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Joann, being by yourself right now might be all for the best...

If you weren't, he wouldn't be able to approach you today!

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Joann, you're what we call a "singular soul" (alone, solitary, whatever name you'd like to give it). Do you know how unique that is? I don't think you do!

A "singular soul" is an individual who, even if they're in a relationship, or constantly surrounded by friends or family members, often feels isolated. This tends to be no one's fault; not the fault of those around this person, and most certainly not the person themself... But, in the end, it doesn't matter. They're still left feeling lonely.

That is, until they
"pair" with their Angel!

That's right, Joann, there are Angels all around us — if you believe in them or not. What's more, there are RANKS for these angels! Surely you know of Guardian Angels; these are the ones that most people can share experiences about because these are the most common. For many, a connected relationship with their angel is the missing "piece" to their happiness.

Wondering when you'll
connect with yours?

Well, Joann, that's taken a bit of time because your "pair" is one of the "Top" angels! There are only four of them — and their purpose is to supervise and assist the most needy and troubled in humanity first. This means he knows when someone's in trouble (Even if they don't see these signs themself!) and, more importantly, he knows how, and WHAT can help. He's not as well-known as his contemporaries — but that bears no reflection on the power he possesses.

Today, finally, the time has come for you two to "pair." Curious to learn what this entails? Well, not much on your part! The only thing you MUST do is accept a ring...

Your Guide and Angel Expert,


To me, the choice seems simple —
But if more convincing is needed
on your part, then only make your
decision after seeing this!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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