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Joann, the 7 Guardian Angels of Your True Life Path have made it clear that I have no time to waste. If there are mistakes in my typing of this message, I'm sorry, but my hands are still shaking. Just minutes ago, I was visited by an entire HOST of heavenly beings, and it was overwhelming to observe their divine presence. They gave me seven names, all of them people I knew, who would experience a single day of heavenly luck on June 8th. As you've probably guessed, your name was on the Angels' list, Joann. Your name was actually the Seventh of the Seven they told me, meaning your opportunity to achieve heaven-granted levels of prosperity is above all the others! slapping away the outstretched hand of DIVINE luck! I'm contacting all seven of the people Marla Mother Angel and her 7 Guardians have chosen, as is my duty as their prophet messenger, but for you, Joann, I'm going above and beyond what I've been asked to do. I have several divine artifacts that'll ensure the protection of their wearers, and I want to offer some of them to you before June 8th. I think it's important that you accept them, because there's a dark secret about you that may ruin your perfect destiny if not fixed before then! If that sounds dire, Joann, that's because it is... But there's hope for you. In fact, with the message just delivered to me by the 7 Guardian Angels of Your True Life Path, I think we can do more than hope. We can KNOW that your life will change for the better on June 8th. First, though, you have to accept my help. Do it now, Joann. We have much work to do together to ensure that darkness doesn't deflect your divinely chosen fortune again. Your Guide and Protector, Bethea |
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