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Joann, I need your permission to ritually bless you.

A simple "YES!" will change your life!

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Joann, I've been trying to reach you about June 8th, the day that the red on the thread of your heaven-sent destiny says will present you with the single greatest financial opportunity of your life!

You've missed opportunities like this before because of a dark secret about your soul, but with the Angelic Protection I can provide you, you'll finally get the reward you deserve!

I need to perform a lengthy ritual of protection on your behalf, Joann. It has seven stages and takes seven days, but I'm happy to do it if you simply accept my help. Rituals are no good for those who don't accept them, so I want to make sure your heart and soul are open to me, before I waste many days of time and effort to help you.

If you say "YES", this is what I'll do for you:

Days 1 and 2: I'll perform the Ritual of Light and Liberation to deliver you from the dark secret that spoils your relational and emotional life. When I've finished it completely, you'll feel purified, totally rid of this mark of misfortune. You'll have faith in yourself and trust in the future.

Days 3 and 4: I'll perform the Ritual of Power and Energy to regenerate your vital energy. It'll give you the life force you need to get back to the best of your abilities. You'll feel clearer and, even physically, you'll be in better shape.

Days 5, 6 and 7: I'll perform the Ritual of Vision, Change and Action to give you a clear view of events and people. You'll know true from false, good opportunities from bad, and you'll systematically make the best choice at the best time, without fear of being deceived.

Time isn't on our side, Joann. With this long ritual needed and your destiny date of June 8th fast-approaching, I need your acceptance IMMEDIATELY.

Now isn't the time to hesitate. Say "YES!"

Your Friend and Adviser,


"YES, Bethea! Protect
me with this ritual!"

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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