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You must remove your mask of misfortune, Joann!

Your true divine nature has been concealed!

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Joann, remember the times in your life that you've had good luck? There were more than you think, but you missed them. Make no mistake, though... Because of your November 17th birth, you're a divinely lucky person. Life's given you many chances, and it plans to give you at least one more. In fact, until recently, I couldn't make any sense of the gap in your life. Based on your chart, you're a Scorpio born under the protection of 7 Guardian Angels. As I've said in previous messages, there's also red on the cosmic thread of your life, which means you're destined for SUPREME financial success.

I don't have to tell you that you haven't experienced the financial success your chart says you're destined for. You've struggled, Joann, and you've struggled bravely! This is one of the things I like about you best, actually: Even though your destiny's been diverted, you've remained a patient and faithful person anyway. Weaker people would've grown bitter and cruel, but you haven't. This is likely why the angels gave me your name as one of seven people I could choose to receive this ancient artifact of heavenly connection before the critical opportunity date — June 8th.

Your True Divine Nature
demands that you not hesitate
during this crucial moment.

I don't usually reveal the information of my clients to other clients, but your case reminds me so much of another that I had twenty-five years ago that I have to share. I'll leave off the client's name, for confidentiality, but the details are important, so pay attention!

This client, like you, was a Scorpio born on a date that destined them for a single day of opportunity for heaven-sent riches beyond their wildest dreams. They, also like you, had to wait until they were 73 before Marla Mother Angel deemed them deserving of their greatest reward. I was so excited for this client of mine, because I knew they deserved miracles to come true for them... But something was wrong. Whenever I tried to reach her, she turned her back on me. Despite our good relationship, she suddenly went cold and quiet in a way that seemed totally out of character.

I didn't give up on her, because I do my best to never give up on my clients, no matter how rude or confused they sometimes are. After several hours of continued study, I confirmed one of my worst fears: She'd been imprinted by a powerful negative force. This nameless force, with its origins in the dark netherworld beneath our universe, had branded her with its evil. It had placed a spiritual mask over her soul's divine beauty and, though she couldn't see it, everyone around her could see its effects on her life.

This mask blinded her to opportunities and turned people away from her. Eventually, even though she couldn't figure out why, she was lonely and unable to make ends meet. She was so distracted by trying to repair the relationships this cruel mask had broken or to figure out solutions to the financial problems it had created, that she ignored Angels trying to guide her to the destiny that would solve ALL of her problems.

I think there are similarities between your situation and hers, Joann.

There can be a happy ending for you, however! There was a happy ending for my other client, who even though the mask of misfortune placed on her was powerful, her beautiful soul was too good to be broken down by it! She told me that one day, despite feeling like there was no purpose or chance it'd work, she ran to her computer to answer one of the many messages I'd been sending her. Despite the negative forces practically SCREAMING in her mind to stop, she accepted my help.

Now, I can't tell you exactly what happened next without disclosing her identity, but I can tell you this: You know this former client of mine, Joann. You don't know her personally, but you've seen her on TV or read her name in the papers. The blessings that came to her after she synced up with her Angelic Destiny took her that far!

25 years later, she still writes to me every week. Maybe someday, if we can also remove your mask of misfortune, you can meet her. But first, you have to accept my help. There's a part of you telling you not to, but you mustn't listen to it...because it's not really a part of you. That's the mask's negative imprint, and now's the time to begin healing from its pain.

Your Friend and Adviser,


"Help me heal, Bethea!"

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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