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Joann, this is your personal magnum opus! Take another look...

It'll tip everything in your favor; your life will be overflowing with true happiness!

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Miracles like these are usually reserved for the privileged elite, Joann, however certain immensely beneficial transits on your November 17th chart have foretold your definite victory. Here's what I'm able to predict so far.

Your winnings will provide you with a healthy bank account along with plenty of other savings accounts. Beyond having enough to splurge on yourself, you'll also be able to honor all your commitments and even support loved ones who depend on you.

Such is the wealth-attracting powers of the Celestial Rose Cross (the magnum opus I was referring to earlier), Joann!

I'll admit not having heard from you yet has been discouraging. I know it can be hard to focus on the future with all the chaos and distractions in the world right now. But I'm writing to you one more time, because I don't want you to miss out on the divine assistance you're about to receive through me. I know this is for you because I saw your face during my recent meditation session. It blew my mind! "How can I let Joann forego such a chance of a lifetime?" I keep thinking... Make this most purposeful movement to secure your future and end the curse of negative outcomes immediately!

July 5th is your big fortune day! Any further hesitation on your part would prevent me from getting your Celestial Rose Cross to you on time! I'm so anxious because only a few days remain until your miracle. Don't deny yourself the prosperous new life you're entitled to be living! I must hear from you soon.

With Faith and Devotion,


Let's get moving!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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