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Your frustrations have reached an all-time high. You keep trying your luck time and again but the results just don't seem to live up to your expectations, do they, Joann? I'm tired of watching you repeatedly receive the shorter end of the stick... I worry about you, especially in the current economic climate. I genuinely believe you deserve better. Which is why I took matters into my own hands; upon closely studying your November 17th chart: the WINNING person! Take a look in private. My rich astrological lineage allows me to detect and deliver big news like this to my clients. But this year in particular has been challenging, because of rare astral transits that only occur once every decade, bringing troubling times for some and happy transformations for others! Luckily, you're on the track to receive some of the best chances of your life so... Four Magical Symbols of Supreme Chances! And before we celebrate, there's a certain date you need to circle on your calendar: That date for you in 2020 is August 25th. On this fortuitous day, your fortune will flip entirely! I'm willing to entrust to you, your Gold Coin of Supreme Chances. You'll need to be discrete. The faithful few who believed and accepted it were significantly rewarded, so much so that this pandemic won't put a dent in their savings. They're financial situation is sorted for life — and yours can be too! I'm eager to see you rise to the top and I fervently believe that you will, once you accept this secret that'll bless you with an inexhaustible source of income. Who wouldn't want that, right? Please respond to me while this fortune's still accessible to you. I'm waiting to hear from you, Joann! Always Looking Out for You, Bethea achieve remarkable success! |

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