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All signs point to Infinite's MP being reminiscent of 5's. - Head of 343 has stated multiple times they were proud of 5's MP. - They would like to marry 4's SP with 5's MP for Infinite. - Infinite shows sprinting, clambering plus other abilities. How would this make you feel? https://t.co/ZmPOT5sLVoKick Andy Show
Saat di PHK, Lynda Permatasari kaget. Namun ia mampu bangkit dan punya usaha sendiri. Jangan lewatkan kisahnya di #kickandy Minggu 18 Okt PKL 19.05 wib @Metro_TV @MetroTVToday https://t.co/iLIH8kCAS6METRO TV liked
Do IT! Metro TV
Bagaimana sikap kita seharusnya untuk mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik ketika sinyal-sinyal resesi itu tiba? Yuk, temukan jawabannya hanya di program do it edisi Sabtu (17/10) bersama narasumber dari @Manulife_ID dan bintang tamu @BillyBoen pkl 10.30 WIB di @Metro_TV https://t.co/6aSaT6RGOGBird oN Blockchain dan 1 lainnya menyukai
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Blockchain technology combines 3 main components: these are a 1.distributed network, 2. digital transactions, and 3.stored ledger. In a distributed network there is no central hub. Imagine your computer crashing right now. Losing all the data ,That's centralization.James liked
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