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Joann, I hope you know by now that I've been trying to reach you about this vision that showed me you have 3 Fated Meetings with 3 Significant People arriving in the weeks after December 7th. If this is your first time reading one of my messages, you have to pay closer attention! Two of these people appeared as Golden Stars in the Triumvirate Vortex of Potential that intersects with your chart's Vertex Axis...but one was a threatening red. and its detailed interpretation, in this personal report. What do I have to do to get you to do this for yourself, Joann? I don't know why it's so hard to convince you to accept this responsibility on behalf of your future, especially since you have so much to gain if you do (and so much to lose if you don't). December 7th is only 5 days away now and, after that, you'll need this secret technique to know which of the 3 people you're set to encounter is trying to steal the prosperity promised by the other 2. opportunity at a single glance, using this crucial gift I need permission to send you. I keep writing to you about this because I really think you need it, Joann, but I also would never give someone an esoteric instrument this powerful without their permission. You see, this is sure to change your life in a big way, even before you encounter the 3 people that intersect with your Vertex Axis, and that's a lot of responsibility to accept. I've been studying your November 17th chart for long enough to feel confident you can handle it, but if you don't think you're ready, I'll do my best to understand. I just fear it means you'll be going into these meetings vulnerable to the misdirection of the red star. Do you think you can handle this power? Your Spiritual Adviser and Clairvoyant Guide, Bethea |

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