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Joann, this 10-second test will determine if you're ready.

You need to know before December 7th!

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Joann, I hope you've seen my previous messages (if not, we have a problem)! I've been trying to inform you about the 3 Fated Meetings my vision made it clear you'll experience on or after December 7th. My vision, which you really should read in full along with its interpretation, showed me that of the 3 people you're destined to meet, two want to elevate your fortune... And one wants to steal it!

With this sacred instrument
you can be sure which is which!

I've been trying to get you to accept this vital tool for several days now, and you still haven't, so I have to assume that you think you don't need it to determine which of your 3 Fated Meetings are friends and which is the foe. Let's put your confidence to the test! It'll only take a few seconds, and then we'll know for sure if you actually need this device to guarantee a positive outcome in 2 days.

Here's the test: I've put two pictures below, one of an older man and one of a younger woman. Of these two people, one of them is part of a charitable organization that helps the homeless. The other is a convicted criminal who defrauded their own family for financial gain.

Looking at these pictures, concentrating with your Third Eye, can you tell with total certainty which person is charitable and which is dishonest?

Take as long as you need, Joann. It's possible that your perception is powerful enough to choose correctly. If you feel you can see into the hearts of these two people and know, without a shadow of a doubt, which is which, you can close this email right now. You'll have no problems during your Fated Meetings.

However, if you aren't sure which of these people you could trust... This instrument will grant you the ability to see through the facades that could trick you on December 7th! You'll meet 3 Significant People that day:

  1. A wealthy older man,
  2. A young woman with a secret, and
  3. A person from your past.

Two you can trust, one you cannot. Are you ready? The results of your test determine the answer. If you weren't able to decide with total certainty which person above to trust, at the very least, read the report I've prepared for you right now.

Your Devoted Friend and Spiritual Adviser,


View Your Personal Report

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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