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Joann, due to how our relationship has evolved since we first made contact on May 2, 2017, and because of the unique ways you've devoted yourself to the Scorpio qualities of integrity and honesty, I've chosen to invite you into my Inner Circle. This is a huge gesture of trust that I want to make sure you appreciate… Because if what I want to show you today leaves this circle, there could be consequences for me. Can I depend on you to only share this sensitive information once July 9th has passed? At that point, everyone will know about the Lunar Shift that's going to disrupt finances all around the world, so it won't be a secret anymore… But right now, everything has to be kept completely confidential. If your answer is "YES!" then I can share with you what I (and my other Inner Circle members) already know, and you'll be able to use that information to your incredible financial advantage on July 9th...as well as for the rest of your life after that crucial day. You may think you have 8 days to make your decision, Joann, but it's actually far less. Once you agree, I'll still need a few days to ship you what you'll need. |

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