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Joann, in 2 days, you'll lose out on a glorious settlement; the clock is ticking!

Don't you want to step into the dimension of wealth?

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The season of celebration hasn't ended but just started for you, Joann! You've been wishing for a miracle to transform your life ever since the first quarantine of this pandemic. Taking your needs and desires into consideration, I did a little digging myself.

I reached out to the forces
of the Universe on your behalf
to check on your luck in 2021,
and I'm truly amazed by
what I saw!

As someone who stays informed about the happenings in your life through your birth chart, I have to say, you could really use the protection and wealth that's headed your way. With this in mind, I've created for you a personal "post-pandemic bounce-back plan," Joann! Everyone's secretly coming up with theirs and I'd hate for you to fall behind.

I'll send it to you along with your precious Magic Silver Trine of Luck and Eternal Wealth Amulet, so that my plan to direct you towards prosperous outcomes in the New Year doesn't just remain a plan but manifests as a rich reality, relieving you from all your financial burdens and relationship worries.

I'm doing everything I can to ensure that the supreme luck, that'll enter your life on January 1st, won't be a flash in the pan but a long-lasting stream of fortunate events. Having said that, you must know that, at this point, I can't proceed without a response from your end. And this is stressing me out as I'm worried that (at this rate) you'll miss out on this critical moment of progress!

Put everything else on hold for a moment and understand why I'm insisting on a response from you today, Joann! I trust that you'll do what's needed to fuel your growth in the coming year. Let's get moving!

Eagerly Awaiting Your Reply,


This desperately
needs your attention!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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