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Joann, this is the oldest secret I possess (Today only, it's YOURS!).

For you, and only you...

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It's time you capture these Waves of Chance! -Bethea

Joann — take a moment and make sure you're in a secluded space — deep secrets are about to be revealed!

Yes, one very important one will be mine, but I'll also make a crucial revelation about you.

The first one being: Did you know you
were supposed to have so much MORE?

This may come as a shocking truth...or it may finally be the recognition you've been waiting for. Your reaction's still unclear to me. Honestly, it's all going to depend on how you intend to proceed with the secret I plan to share with you today!

If you do nothing, I'll know that it's NOT the news you've been waiting for...that you don't yet have the faith in yourself necessary to possess it. You're not ready to be "great." Luck, Power and, most importantly, WEALTH aren't meant for you.

But...I have to tell you, Joann, I don't think that's how it's supposed to be for you! You're supposed to not only learn about this secret today, but you're supposed to possess it. Immediately! In fact, if you don't have it by July 9th, then don't even bother trying to learn it after that...

So, if you're beginning to feel like
this is an all-or-nothing decision,
you'd be completely CORRECT.

It may seem like the pressure's suddenly on, but it's not, Joann. For a while, there's been an increased buildup of energy surrounding you; if you haven't directly realized it, I'm sure if you just take a moment and think about 3 of the most recent dilemmas you've faced, it'll all begin to make sense. They've all been somewhat related to Wealth, Money or Finances. That wasn't random! That was all due to the Universal Waves of Chance orbiting your field.

If you're still left completely dumfounded, then it's even more evident to me that you NEED this Wealth Sensor — you NEED this aid, this stimulant, to detect the Wealth Opportunities that are surrounding you. Because they're there, Joann. And they're yours (And yours alone!) for the taking.

Your Psychic Friend and Guide,


Why is this secret yours?
The answer revealed itself to me
after I did a complete analysis of
your natal chart. I've gone ahead
and shared the details here!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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