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fabulous Luck, Wealth and Fortune. Joann, I had a powerful and joyous premonition about you last night. There's no doubt about it. What I saw for you was the very real possibility of you imminently becoming rich. This is a promise. You must admit — it's about time you began to achieve the levels of success and fulfillment you've always dreamed of, right? This is long overdue! I know you've turned down similar opportunities I've offered you in the past. But under no circumstances can a chance like this (The chance to claim victory!) pass you by this time. What will you choose? Read this personal message in private as soon as possible. Within, I reveal everything, including a very special date I saw for your first great windfall. I'm so excited about how life-changing this is going to be for you! With Everlasting Hope, Bethea waiting for. Seize the day! |
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