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Joann, prepare: October 5th will be a day like no other...

One simple action could have you having it all!

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One simple action could have you having it all! -Bethea

Joann, fate is a funny thing. It works in mysterious ways, leading me to believe that it was meant for me to contact you today. I say this because when I reviewed your charts last night, I saw that in 8 days, you're going to experience your best day yet — because of this!

I know we haven't been able to connect lately — but I must say it's not due to my lack of trying. You were the first person I thought of today because I knew you could do with having some good luck...and what I have is going to bring you that times 10!

This is what awaits you on October 5th...

There are actually 3 things waiting for you on October 5th. I call it a "trinity of good luck"! I want to see you succeed like you never have before. You deserve this. In fact, this is something that's been destined to come to you for a very long time now. This is your fate.

I just need to receive word back from you — one simple "YES!" — and the very best can be yours...and it'll all begin on YOUR luckiest day, October 5th!

Your Personal Adviser,


Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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