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Joann, Mother Nature has been known to dish out some very random and sometimes catastrophic disasters. From lightning and thunderstorms at the North Pole to droughts, hurricanes, tornados and floods across the country, we've seen it all. And that was just last year! something remarkable.... And today, Joann, I'd like to offer it to you! Believe me, during these uncertain times, you're going to need it. It may not feel like it in this very moment, but this is going to be the answer to all your long-suffering prayers. When nature really overachieves, it gives us something lucky — some say it's a sign of God's grace. In fact, the more abundant something is, the luckier it becomes... And in just a few short hours, you're going to discover just how fortunate you're about to become. I couldn't be happier, Joann. Not only could this not be happening to a better person, but it's happening at the very best possible time for you! all of which will soon belong to you! That is, if you choose to accept the hand that fate's offering you today. There are countless individuals — worldwide – who'd give anything for just half the chance that's being offered to you. More wealth, love, faith, HOPE — it can all be yours in a matter of minutes. Please, don't find yourself caught out there. Don't think you have more time than you really do to mull this over. If I've learned anything (especially over the last few days), it's that time is of the essence, and a delayed reaction could have tragic (even fatal) ramifications... Your Steadfast Adviser, Bethea especially when it comes to LUCK! |

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