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secure your rich and rewarding future. Joann, I'm asking you this as a friend. Have you ever suspected that someone close to you was responsible for your continuing struggles? You possess an immense capacity for success. And yet barriers continue to keep you from realizing your true potential. It's obvious that there's a genuinely malevolent force working behind the scenes. I write to you today with a great deal of urgency. Because, very soon, a phenomenal financial blessing should appear in your life, which could miraculously change everything. But it's clear that someone's plotting to sabotage your chances. Thankfully, I know exactly how to neutralize this theat. Accept my help without delay. And by doing so, you'll replace darkness with light, sadness with joy, loneliness with love and hardship with substantial wealth. Please take my hand, Joann. I have wonderful revelations to share with you. Your Dedicated Adviser and Friend, Bethea and clear your pathway to wealth and prosperity. |

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