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I'd like to keep you safe, Joann, before this affects you any further...

I can tell it's already taken its toll on you.

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Life Will Never Look
the Same After This!

Joann, is that necessarily a bad thing? Yes, I know these past few weeks have been rough — they've been difficult for many, but I can sense that they've been much harder on you. I'm starting to see the "cracks" in your demeanor. Your faith is wavering...

There's no doubt in my mind that you're a changed person. Who wouldn't be, after all this! Yet, exactly HOW you've changed is still yet to be determined.

There's a solution on how to
"fix" the fissures you're feeling
in nearly every area of your life:
A Seal of Protection!

A seal is lasting; It's binding — it's what unites you with the cosmic powers. Don't let the current climate and energy of other's have any sort of input on your true nature. Joann, you're usually so assured, confident and positive. But those unique qualities about you are starting to waver... They're being replaced with fear, aggression and panic. It pains me to see you like this! It's so not who you are.

You may think the feelings that you're harboring "aren't hurting anyone." It's not like you're acting on them... Right?

Wrong! You're hurting the most
vulnerable person in your life: You.

That brave face you're putting on isn't fooling anyone, least of all the Cosmos. The energy you put out into the Universe — consciously or subconsciously — can have disastrous effects on your future. I fear it's already held you back from seeing money and wealth come into your life...two things you can't afford to refuse, especially now!

Thankfully, there's still time to repair this damage. Nothing is irreversible... yet!

Your Friend and Adviser,


Financial Abundance, Happiness and Power — they're all waiting. I've "charged" a special talisman just for you!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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