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Joann, he's going to have you switching to "Happiness Mode" in mere days!

Just have faith in him...

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Joann, I don't blame you for being taken aback right now!

Are you wondering why you, of all people, have been chosen at a time like this — of all times? You've hardly been anywhere recently, let alone met anyone new...and certainly not anyone who could "flip the switch" of your life so drastically.

That's what you think!

The truth is, you're always on my radar — and when it comes to him, you seem to be on his mind fairly often. Even in prayer, he has thought of you — This, I believe, explains your connection to him best. No matter the logistics, the end result's the same. You've been chosen to learn an intimate secret about yourself: a personal Secret of Happiness and Luck!

Don't dismiss this, Joann, thinking yourself too old or feeling too skeptical to believe in this. Take a chance on yourself today and bet on you for once. He is! I'm not sure what'll happen if you ignore him...

I hope you don't find
yourself at an impasse today...

I can sense that you're finding this a difficult choice to make. Take a chance on something (Someone!) so uncertain? Surely there'll be consequences for actions so frivolous! But what if they were "worthwhile" consequences? The kind that, once all the uneasiness of the decision-making has passed, leaves you with a smile — a permanent one?

You're about to walk a different path,
Joann, no matter what you decide.

If you're unsettled as to exactly what that's going to mean for you, let me try and explain. You appeared in two separate visions — one belonging to me, the other to him — that occurred at the same time, on the same day! We were miles apart and hadn't had a recent conversation about you... The only explanation is that this is really going to happen to you.

Our visions aligned too — we both sensed feelings of anguish, fear and desperation. More than anything, we don't want this to be your reality. I hope for your sake that you walk the other path I saw for you, one that had you smiling, as you chose a dazzling golden path to the gates of happiness. With each step, you became more confident, assured and radiant. This is the Joann who I see deep within you. And now, so does someone else!

Your Devoted Friend,


Learn his true identity...and what he NEEDS you to have by September 17th!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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