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Joann, I'm acting without pause today and doing something I should've done a long time ago. I'm getting you some much-needed relief. In all the time that I've known you, Joann, I've never once seen you admit that you're struggling. Not to friends, not to acquaintances, not even to yourself. I've watched as you've suffered. I've even tried willing you to take my helping hand, (Or any help, for that matter!) but you've yet to. What you've been doing, it hasn't been working. It's time for me to intercede. difficulties far too many times in life — This isn't normal. Just because something happens often, Joann, doesn't mean it's right! I've met my fair share of individuals in similar predicaments as you. What did they do when I offered this to them? There were some who ignored me and, unsurprisingly, continued to face grievances. But the men and women who took my advice — who simply stared at this and took it in for what it was (A true gift!), they saw, to their surprise and amazement, radical changes in their lives. Some were subtle changes, others grander and more obvious life alterations. But in the end, each one who took the time to at least examine my offer, saw their lives turn in the right direction. It was like, after being in the dark so long, their lives were suddenly switched "on." Especially in regard to their financial situations... Life has the ability to get so good for you, Joann. And I firmly believe to a point you've never even allowed yourself to dream was possible! Today, it's possible. Your Devoted Friend and Adviser, Bethea your problems... But in your current state, I think it'll alleviate quite a few! |
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