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Crime Report for Des Moines, IA : September 11, 2024  ​      

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USA Daily Local Crime Report Des Moines, Iowa. 50307

Iowa and Iowa State Athletes Join Lawsuit Against State Agencies 2024-09-10

Ten more Iowa and Iowa State athletes and an Iowa basketball equipment manager have joined a civil lawsuit against the state and its public safety and criminal investigation agencies. The lawsuit alleges that the investigators violated the athletes' constitutional rights and caused them damage to their personal reputations. Most of the athletes faced criminal charges related to a 2023 state gambling sting, but some had the charges dropped due to improper conduct by the investigators.


Student Arrested for Alleged Threats of Violence at Central Iowa School 2024-09-10

A student in central Iowa was arrested for alleged threats of violence. The incident occurred at a local school, but details about the specific threat or the student's identity have not been released. Law enforcement responded to the situation and took the necessary actions to ensure the safety of the school community.


Woman Arrested for Trespassing at Iowa State Penitentiary 2024-09-11

A woman was arrested at the Iowa State Penitentiary last week after police say she refused to leave the property and yelled at officers with a megaphone. C. was arrested by the Fort Madison Police Department and charged with trespassing-first offense, interference with official acts, and driving without a valid license. She yelled at responding officers with a miniature megaphone while holding a poster, and refused to leave the property after being told she would be arrested if she did not leave on her own, yelling that 'she was in charge.' After being placed under arrest, C. pulled her hands out of her handcuffs on two separate occasions.

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