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Crime Report for Des Moines, IA : September 5, 2024  ​      

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USA Daily Local Crime Report Des Moines, Iowa. 50307

Senators Seek Updates on Missing Iowa Woman in Mexico 2024-09-04

Senators Grassley and Ernst have asked the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico for regular updates on efforts to find a Des Moines woman, C. Leguisano, who went missing in Mexico in August. Leguisano had traveled to Mexico to deliver a truck to a family member and was reportedly kidnapped for ransom. The senators said Leguisano's case is the second high-profile assault of an American citizen in the Tamaulipas region of Mexico in the last two years.


Former UI Employee Accused of Improperly Collecting Over $943,000 2024-09-04

A former University of Iowa employee, B. Busch, improperly collected over $943,000 for work done for his private firm using university equipment. Busch, a former engineering specialist and manager of the Department of Physics and Astronomy's Machine Shop, failed to disclose his ownership of the company D3Signtech as required by the university's conflict of interest policy. Two other UI Machine Shop employees were also placed on paid leave as a result of the investigation.


Stevie Wonder Surprises Kids at Blank Park Zoo in 1990 2024-09-04

In 1990, superstar Stevie Wonder surprised over 2,000 kids at the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines with a brief concert. The kids represented more than a dozen Variety Club charities from around the area.

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