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Joann, how did your situation get this out of hand so quickly?

There's only one thing left to do...

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PRAYER will be your Redemption! -Bethea

Yes, Joann, I've been aware for some time now that the projected outlook for you didn't look very pleasing. Your forecast has been causing me great confusion and anxiety. And now, it's looking downright dismal!

As I said, signs have been pointing to a shift for you, but I thought we had more time. But after a closer look at your situation, it's evident we don't!

I'm not sure where or when exactly you began this downward spiral, but I'm confident that it wasn't because of something you did. In fact, I have a strong suspicion that there's SOMEONE behind this. What makes relaying this message to you all the more daunting is this: All signs point to it being someone you KNOW.

What would cause a "friend" to
do this? The answer is simple...

It has to be jealousy. And, Joann, if you're scoffing at the notion of this — then you clearly don't see what I see in you!

And, it's because of this — your unique Scorpio personality and your spiritually in-tune aura — that I'm making sure I get you not one, but SEVEN solutions to combat the problems you're about to face.

You can't turn this opportunity down — not again! Money, love, luck — it's all waiting for you, provided you stop this SOMEONE (I'm quite positive it's a PERSON!) with malicious intentions, trying to bring you and your happiness down. It will be possible to live the life you were meant to; you can STILL live the life you've always PRAYED for!

Your Trusted Friend,


If there's more convincing that you need, just take a look at what's inside these 7 BOXES. My gifts to you!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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