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Joann, I can only describe the situation you're in as "double-edged." What awaits you at the end of all this IS good news — GREAT, possibly, if you first come to terms with the truth. Someone's trained their sights on you. I've been having the strongest sensations that a person close to you isn't all that they seem... it may be jealously, malicious intent or just simply feelings of dislike that are spurring them on. Either way, we must make it stop! The only way I can think of resolving this situation is through prayer. But this time, Joann, I don't want you to think about the TYPICAL actions of prayer. What I'm about to make you privy to is practically classified information...which is quite a feat, since it's been around for over 3,000 years! opportunity pass you by, again. You need to combat that negativity that has a bull's-eye on your back with the complete opposite of this unfavorable energy. That would be with the purest action you could do: Pray. Praying is akin to meditation; you're deep in thought, quiet, reflective. You don't have to be religious or even practice one set faith to "pray." Anyone can do it, anywhere! key to ANSWERING these prayers. It's easy to assume no one's listening when prayer after prayer goes unanswered. I can understand past frustrations, Joann. I've experienced them too! But what always got me through was knowing I had not just one, but SEVEN powers constantly working for me. They can work for you too, Joann, if you let them! Your Friend and Adviser, Bethea you know can be shocking...but at this point, it's better to be prepared than taken advantage of! |

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