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Joann, power is entirely in your hands now. I know it seems like September 14th is just around the corner. I'm going to assume I know what you're thinking: That can't nearly be enough time to solve all my problems! But if I didn't have the certainty that I've arrived in time to help you, I wouldn't have taken the risk of boring you with the rest of my message... it is this: The 7 Powers of the Miraculous Precious Stone Gao Boxes WORK WONDERS! What makes this unlike anything else you've ever been exposed to is that its unique powers depend on the special prayers you put out into the universe. It won't work unless you're completely involved and dedicated to the cause... You deserve happiness, Joann. For far too long you've put others first, disregarding your own needs, choosing to be the bigger person. While I quite admire that about you, I feel others have used it to your disadvantage. Even as I write to you, I can sense malicious intentions set on you! You may not feel like anything is "off," but the resolution has been made; a figure with jealousy in their eyes (This is someone I'm sure you may know!) is attempting to bring you down...and since resentful and wicked feelings can easily be disguised, I don't think you even suspect who it is! It's time to pray for guidance. But more than that, it's time you shed some light and attention on your own situation (For once!). With just enough time to have the opportunity to work together, I hope you don't delay in accepting my help and undivided attention when it concerns this matter! Your Trusted Adviser, Bethea target first? This is the one I think needs immediate attention! |

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