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Joann, wickedness is lurking (And it's in the form of someone you KNOW!).

I hate being the bearer of bad news...but this is something you can't ignore!

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Let's put a STOP to the negative influences! -Bethea

Joann, if everyone in your life seems to be a true and trusted friend right now, I wouldn't fault you for getting caught in the "trap." There aren't many who would be able to spot a pretender... it's easy for an untrained eye to not notice anything amiss — until the damage is done and it's too late! My gut instinct is telling me that you're about to fall victim. And the worst thing of all, it'll be to someone you know...

The shocking reality is two major events are about to disrupt your life. And they're approaching far too quickly for my liking... at the moment, your guard is completely down!

I need to see you
prepared for September 14th.

This date has been jumping out at me when it comes to you, Joann. In the pit of my stomach, I can sense something auspicious about to occur. I can't see you left vulnerable...I don't know what the outlook will be like for the days after, if you are!

Luckily, as with most occurrences, when there's bad, there's also good. I hope this news will uplift you! While I do want you to be on your guard, I also want you to remain calm. Your future doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. With rapid intervention, your destiny can be saved. This doesn't have to be an emergency situation just yet!

There isn't one thing that can change your future...there's SEVEN!

This isn't anything new, Joann. In fact, it's been around for over 3,000 years! It's just been a well-kept secret. Today, the secret can be yours! Truth be told, I hope it does become yours...and soon. When in the right hands, this produces MIRACLES. You have the chance to be "forever protected" — Today!

Your Mentor and Friend,


You won't be able to even
FATHOM the power that's about
to be put in your hands!

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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