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Joann, you have (7) boxes waiting to be opened...

You're going to want to know what the contents hold for you!

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Don't allow your tormentors to win. -Bethea

Joann, can it really be possible? Will all those difficult months you've struggled through, counting down to your last penny to make ends meet, finally be a thing of the past? Yes, I do in fact believe this with my whole spirit. Everything you could've ever wanted is just waiting to be delivered to you!

I can't wait to be the
one who sends it to you!

Not one, but SEVEN, boxes are going to answer each and every single one of your prayers. Aspects of your life that you didn't even realize were under stress, are going to be alleviated. You're finally going to have clear answers and solutions to the dilemmas you've been facing. The "catch"? You must have every single box by September 14th!

Don't worry, this isn't an impossible feat.
I can send you all SEVEN as soon as today!

Before you even begin to think about putting this off until the next day, there's crucial information you need to be aware of: mainly, these two rapidly approaching events are going to affect your life. There's no clear answer, no real "rhyme or reason" as to how or why this is happening to you, but there's one thing I can vow to you: Everything you're going to need to get through this trying time will be in these 7 boxes!

Your Trusted Adviser,


Someone's destined to
receive this bounty of miracles.
Why shouldn't it be you?

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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