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This is urgent, Joann... You're not prepared for what's coming.

It's time to make your own luck - Starting now!

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This is it... the time has come. -Bethea

A day like no other is heading your way.
Invite a world of Joy and Prosperity.

Joann, I've been making great effort to impress upon you just how serious and time-sensitive your situation is. In fact, we're nearing the point of no return.

Let me reiterate... In less than 24 hours (The countdown has already begun!), you'll experience a divine visitation, and I want to make sure you're completely aware of what's about to happen.

I know this sounds dire. But if we work together, we're going to make Friday the 13th the most fortuitous day you've ever experienced. Indeed, we'll open for you a gateway to riches beyond your wildest dreams. But I must receive response today.

By sending me your go-ahead, you'll be saying "YES!" to a wonderful transformation in every aspect of your life.

I know you're not happy with the path you've found yourself on. NOW's the time to change it! A lucky streak, one that I've rarely seen before, is going to rain down on you, bringing you at least 60 days of unprecedented gains.

If you're struggling to believe this is real, please read this private report I've prepared for you. In it you'll discover the proof I've gathered and details of the wonders that await you.

First, I need you to understand something. There's an important misconception about Friday the 13th. Many believe it's a day of bad luck (And for some it will be!), but for those "in the know," it can be a joyous, life-changing day — bringing great Fortune, Happiness and Abundance.

What will be your fate this Friday the 13th? That depends on what you choose to do right now. Please choose wisely.

Your Faithful Spiritual Guide,


Take my hand and enter a glorious
world of Wealth and Possibility.

Joann (arum98@gmail.com), thank you for having opted in to receive communications from Bethea. If you wish to unsubscribe your account, click here.

Bethea 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

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