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Joann, I'm sure you're going to want to share the revelations I'm going to make with your family and friends, but I urge you to please keep them to yourself. There's a woman, one possibly in your circle, who wants something you have. She'll do whatever it takes to steal it away and, unless you have an all-encompassing "eye" watching your back, I'm worried she'll succeed in taking what's rightfully yours. through your 73 years! You need, above all, a sincere friend who finally tells you the truth. This is what I've always tried to be, ever since you first enlisted me to study your November 17th chart. So I won't sugarcoat this any longer: Your failures and disappointments are almost entirely the fault of this occult woman. Now, listen to this carefully, Joann: Please don't confront her! You aren't ready, spiritually or energetically, and the time isn't yet right. According to my vivid dream vision of your future, in the next 3 weeks you'll have 3 doors of opportunity open for you...and at least one of them leads to a small fortune. Before this happens, I need you to act discreetly. We must secure your windfall with this ancient instrument and a "Rite of Mysteries" ritual, before anyone else even knows it's coming. The longer we wait, Joann, the harder that secret gets to keep. Read this report for the full details on my vision, but make sure you're somewhere safe and alone first! Your Guide and Protector, Bethea the report, Bethea!" |

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