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I have to admit, Joann, when I first began studying your chart on May 2, 2017, I thought you were a pretty unremarkable case. I was wrong, but through no fault of mine. The true divine nature of your November 17th chart was concealed, hidden from my clairvoyant vision by a malicious and toxic occult influence. This influence, which is actually not just energy but a living breathing being on Earth, is tormented by jealousy over the fortune that's your birthright. I've identified it as the being, or I should say the person, that's responsible for most of the disappointments and failures in your life. I'm probably revealing more than I should, Joann, because I'm worried it'll make you paranoid about the people in your life... But there's at least one person you should watch out for very vigilantly. I feel conflicted telling you this, and please don't make me regret it, but this is what I know for sure so far:
With your permission, Joann, I can destroy this toxic influence... But that's a very serious ritualistic feat to accomplish. I'll need your help and, if you're up to it, you'll need this ancient weapon. This matter is very serious, so it's important that you don't wait. Your Guide and Protector, Bethea woman together, Bethea!" |

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