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Joann, I can't believe I'm writing this! I've been trying to tell you about the most important astrological discovery in the past 100 years, and you've been totally silent! The only reason I can think of for this is that I haven't made it clear just how world-shaking and powerful the details of my report are! I don't want to share too much information via email, since many others will be trying to steal and use this information before my clients and I can, but I can tell you this: With what I've decoded from the ancient texts of Nostradamus, and with what'll be revealed to you here, you'll be able to:
Joann, the number of opportunities that have gone right under your nose in your 73 years of life is staggering. I'm contacting you with my report because I trust you, because I care for you and because it's high time you actually got to benefit from the MANY chances at fortune, love, luck and success that pass by your life year after year. Waste no time, Joann. Change begins with this report. Your Adviser and Friend, Bethea my future, Bethea!" |

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