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Joann, I know you're feeling distracted right now, and that's the point. I'm sorry to say, but based on my research into your rare numerology, you have a cruel and malevolent entity woven into your destiny. This entity's main method of stealing the fortune and success you deserve is through distraction. It muddies your thinking, pushes you toward inaction, tempts you to give up even before you've truly tried...and it does this all for its own selfish ends! I've prepared this detailed report that explains everything about your situation, but I'm worried that the effect of this enemy you have may already be too strong for you to read it! I've been trying to reach you for days to warn you to no avail, so I'll keep it very short: The entity that steals your fortune at every turn is tied to, and revealed by, the number 13. If you see it ANYWHERE, please try to get away. Maybe then you'll be able to gather up the will to read my report. I hope that happens, Joann, because with what I have to show you, luck beyond your wildest dreams is right within your reach! Your Guide and Protector, Bethea |

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