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Crime Report for Des Moines, IA : October 2, 2024  ​      

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USA Daily Local Crime Report Des Moines, Iowa. 50307

Secretive Group Accused of Recruiting Spoiler Candidates in Iowa 2024-10-01

State investigators are probing complaints against a secretive group called the Patriots Run Project that recruited fervent Donald Trump supporters to run as spoiler candidates in key swing districts against Republicans, including two in Iowa. The group has been accused of violating campaign finance law for failing to register as a political committee and file disclosure reports. Republicans have called the effort unethical and possibly illegal, suggesting it was evidence of election interference by Democratic operatives to run spoiler candidates to siphon votes away from GOP incumbents. The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation is investigating the group's activities.


Vandals Target Conservative Group's Banner at University of Iowa 2024-10-01

A banner advertising an event for the University of Iowa's Young Americans for Freedom chapter was vandalized just hours after it was put up. Vandals allegedly scribbled 'ignorant' on the photo of a conservative speaker named Ian Haworth who was scheduled to visit Iowa City on Oct. 7. A Palestinian flag was also drawn next to Haworth's face along with the phrase 'Free Palestine.' The Young Americans for Freedom chapter condemned the vandalism, calling it 'blatant and deliberate hatred' that should not be tolerated.


Troubled Iowa Developer Files for Bankruptcy Amid Fraud Allegations 2024-10-01

Troubled Johnston developer and one-time millionaire Daniel Pettit has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, listing 100 to 199 creditors, $100 million to $500 million in liabilities, and assets worth $0 to $50,000. Pettit had successful developments before the COVID-19 pandemic, but by 2020, lenders had begun to foreclose on properties in which he was involved, and he took money from investors for projects that didn't materialize. Pettit was jailed in January for contempt in connection with three civil court cases but was released in June after serving five months of a six-month sentence. Local, state, and federal authorities have declined to discuss any criminal investigation with those who say they're owed large sums or were wronged by Pettit's actions.

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