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Joann, you have to act today. Because of the necessary shipping time it'll take for me to give you this vital tool and the hours of ritual work we have to do before May 14th, this is the no-argument last chance we have to ensure your upcoming BIG life change will be a positive one. I've been trying to contact you, trying harder than I have for any of my other clients, because your November 17th astral chart has shown me that you're a chosen champion of this rare cosmic conjunctive event that occurs only once every 33 years. for a divine duty. I'm sorry if you don't want this responsibility, Joann, but the truth is there's nothing either of us can do about it. These conjunctive events are a kind of "shuffling" that happens in cycles, and we can't stop them...but we CAN take advantage of them. you'll become a real-world HERO! I know this sounds like a lot of responsibility, Joann, but the Universe wouldn't have chosen you for it if you weren't qualified. I have to insist that you at least read this report to see what I mean. The world's in trouble, but with my guidance you could become a key element to making it a better place once this is all over...not just for yourself, but for those you love! Even if you're not sure you're ready for the responsibility, at the very least, do it for them. You'll be rewarded with incredible prosperity if you do. That's a promise from me. But we have to start today. Your Friend and Adviser, Bethea |

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